Warcraft 2 On Windows 10

WarCraft II
DeveloperBlizzard Entertainment
PublisherBlizzard Entertainment
ReleasedDecember 9, 1995
Tested on0.72
Tested game versionUnknown
LinksCompatibility List
Works with DOS32AN/A

The editor requires Windows 3.1 or greater, even though WarCraft II is a DOS-based game. The original WarCraft and WarCraft 2, including their Tides of Darkness and Beyond the Dark Portal expansions, are now available. Warcraft II allows players to play AI opponents in separate Human and Orc campaigns, and in stand-alone scenarios. Play Warcraft again! Remember Warcraft? The game about the battle between the humans and the orcs? The game that started the multi-billion franchise? Of course you can play the game perfectly fine with DOSBox. But wouldn't it be great to just download Warcraft, install it and play it directly on your Windows or Mac computer.

  • 3On Mac OS X.5
    • 3.1First install

Battle.net Edition

Blizzard currently sells this as Warcraft II: Battle.net Edition. This edition includes both original campaigns, both expansion campaigns, enhanced graphics and sound, supports Internet multiplayer through Battle.net, and does not need DOSBox. Instructions for making the older DOS-based versions are below.

Making it work

There is a step-by-step guide on setting up WarCraft II on Adam Pierce's blog.

Essentially, it runs great under DOSBox, all you need to do is run WarCraft's SETUP.EXE and select Soundblaster 16 as the sound card. Leave all other options at their default settings.

You also need to mount the CD drive because WarCraft II will not start unless it detects the original CD in the drive.

Installing Warcraft 2 On Windows 10

You might also like to set the cycles to 20000 or so in dosbox.conf to stop it scrolling too fast.

On Mac OS X.5

Nota : folder pathways should be modified for the tip to work under Windows or any other OS.

First install

'Tides of Darkness'

Insert your Warcraft II CD into your drive.

Create a folder in /Users/Yourname that is called 'Warcraft2'. ('Yourname' is the folder that corresponds to your account in /Users).

Then launch Dosbox and type in the following command lines :

1) mount C ~/Warcraft2

This will explain to Dosbox where to install the game.

2) mount E /Volumes/Warcraft2 -t cdrom switch

This will tell Dosbox to consider your CD as E: ; the word 'switch' is necessary so as the game recognizes the CD, when you will install it.

3) E:

By typing this you enter the CD-rom

4) install.exe

This launches Warcraft II installation.

'Beyond the Dark Portal'

If you own Warcraft II : Beyond the Dark Portal, after you have installed the basic game :

1) Leave Warcraft II

2) Replace the CD with the one of Tides of Darkness

3) Type in the following commands :

mount C ~/Warcraft2

Installing warcraft 2 on windows 10

mount F /Volumes/Warcraft2X -t cdrom switch


Original Warcraft On Windows 10



You should be able to play in solo games. Enjoy !

Making it work with a .iso

If you have the 'Beyond the Dark Portal' CD but don't want to bother with it each time, you can create a .iso file that DosBox will recognize as the original CD (provided you give it the right instructions).

MacOSX can help you with creating this file : after you have inserted your CD of 'Beyond the Dark Portal' on your CD drive, type in the following code in the Terminal :

hdiutil makehybrid -o warcraft2x.iso -udf -iso -joliet /Volumes/warcraft2x

Then, put the .iso file into the right folder (see the pathway I chose below, for example) and you'll be able to start 'Tides of Darkness' with the following commands :

1) mount C ~/Warcraft2

2) IMGMOUNT E /users/Yourname/Warcraft2/warcraft2x.iso -t iso -fs iso

3) C:

4) cd/WAR2

That stands for : 'choose directory WAR2'

5) war2

Warcraft 2 Windows 10 Compatibility

You're started, congratulations !

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