- Marlo 9100 Water Softener Manual Installation
- Marlo Water Softener Systems
- Marlo Softener Manual
- Marlo Water Softener 9100
- Marlo Water Softener Instructions
Marlo Water Softeners Parts Breakdowns. C-22-C MARLO METERED WATER Installation Manual; Parts Breakdown; Specification Sheet; C-30-C MARLO METERED WATER.
- POST a QUESTION or COMMENT about how to diagnose water softener operating problems: how long the softener runs, how much water is in the brine tank, how much salt, how salty or soft is the household water, more.
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Water softener regeneration cycle time period:
What is the normal duration or length of a water softener regeneration cycle? What determines the length of the softener regen cycle? Can the regen cycle duration be adjusted? How to diagnose & fix problems with a water softner that runs too long or not long enough. How much water does a water softener consume to regenerate its ability to remove minerals from the water supply?
Diagnose & Fix Water Softener Problems: this article series describes procedures for diagnosing and repairing water softener or water conditioner problems including water conditioner control settings and adjustment or repair, brine tank and brine tank float cleaning and repair, and the proper amount of water softening or conditioning that is needed.
We also provide a MASTER INDEX to this topic, or you can try the page top or bottom SEARCH BOX as a quick way to find information you need.
Water Softener Regeneration Cycle Time Too Long
If your water softener is running in regen mode continuously, something is drastically wrong. You'll know this by seeing water discharging from the softener drain and by hearing water running through the softener continuously, for more than three hours.
[Click to enlarge any image]
Watch out: A water softener that is 'stuck in regeneration mode' running continuously
- is wasting water
- is not providing softened water to the building, risking costly clogs in piping systems and appliances
- is wasting salt - if any salt is left in the brine tank
- risks flooding and ruining a septic drainfield
- is noisy and annoying
In that case, turn off the water softener or put it in bypass and call for repair.
Watch out: Before you decide that your water softener is running for an abnormally long time, it's worth noting that even in a perfectly adjusted water softener the regeneration cycle can involve five steps or more and can run for 1-2 hours.
Reader Question: how long should the water softener brine flush (regeneration cycle) last?
Is it normal for brine flush to be an hour long ? - D.C.
Reply: normal water softener regeneration cycle duration
DC it could be an hour - as long as it stops you're ok. The length of the regen cycle is controlled by the timer/control on your equipment and will vary by water conditioner size and salt dose. It would not be unusual for the total regen cycle to take more than an hour, comprised of these steps:
Water Conditioner Regeneration Cycle Time Components | ||
Older Water Softeners | Current Water Softener Cycles | |
1. Backwash cycle - wash out the resin tank | 14 minutes | 14 minutes |
2. Brine Draw: Water Softener regen cycle - brine is pumped slowly out of the brine tank, through the water conditioner tank including a 'slow rinse' when the brine is exhausted | 52 minutes | 30-52 minutes |
3. Slow Rinse (if not included in step 2) | 10-20 minutes | |
4. Fast Rinse | 6 minutes | |
5. Brine tank refill - water is pumped into the brine tank to dissolve salt to be available as salty water for the next regen cycle | 10 minutes | 5-6 minutes |
Total Water Conditioner Regen Cycle Time (sum of above) | 76 minutes | 65 - 98 minutes |
Notes to the table above
Tthe times in the 'Older Water Softener' column above above are accurate for older, simpler water softeners and water conditioners.
Newer water softeners from about 2000 to present may use more regeneration steps and take a longer time for whch we added the second column: Current Water Softeners. Thanks to reader 'Conflicting' for pointing out that inconsistency 2018-07-24.
See WATER SOFTENER OPERATING CYCLES for details of what a modern water softener is doing in normal or service cycle (providing soft water) and what the softener is doing in multiple steps of its regeneration cycle.
Question: Why does my Water Softener Keep Running Longer Than it Should?
My water softener continues to run when no water is being drawn from anywhere in the house. Why is this happening? - Joe Hernandez, Brighten MI
Reply: What's the difference between normal water softener backwash regen cycle running and 'stuck on' running?
The table below lists common causes & cures for a water softener that cycles continuously or that keeps draining continuously.
Causes of Long Water Softener Run or Regeneration Cycles or Continuous Water Softener Draining | ||
Water Softener 'Stuck On' Problem | Water Softener Problem Cause | Water Softener Repair Procedure |
Water softener control cycles continuously | Broken or shorted water softener control switch or timer | If the water softener timer or control switch is defective it can cause the softener to remain 'stuck' in regeneration mode, causing the water sofener to cycle continuously. Replace the timer, switch, or if necessary replace the entire water sofener control head. |
Water softener drains continuously | Water softener control valve not programmed correctly | Check Timer Program and Positioning of Control. Replace Power Head Assembly if not Positioning Properly. |
Water softener control valve clogged by debris | Remove the water softener power head assembly and inspect the bore. Remove foreign material and check the control in various regeneration positions. | |
Water softener valve internal leak | Replace the seals and piston assembly in the softener control head. | |
Water softener regeneration cycle inadequate | Various causes in the article cited at right | Insufficient salt dose or brine tank problems can cause the water softener regen cycle to be too short or can cause the softener to fail to produce enough soft water. See BRINE TANK WATER TOO LOW |
Water Softener fails to draw brine from the brine tank | Various causes in article cited at right | Brine tank flooding or water level too high. See BRINE TANK WATER TOO HIGH |
Notes to the table above
Stuck water softener runs continuously: Emergency Steps:
If the water softener actually seems to 'run' or to be 'stuck' in regeneration mode, running continuously, then its operating control needs to be repaired or replaced. Don't leave the softener running forever - doing so wastes water and if your home is connected to a private septic system it will also flood and damage the drainfield.
In an emergency if the water softener is 'stuck' running water continuously I'd just unplug it and also perhaps set the control to bypass while
waiting for a water treatment company to perform the needed control repair.
Adapted from a review of multiple water softener installation and repair manuals.
See REFERENCES in this and other water softener repair articles at InspectApedia's More Reading section.
Normal Water softener regen cycle usually occurs when household water is not being drawn by occupants
What you describe might be normal if the water softener runs when no water is being used in the house but later stops itself. The water softener itself does not deliver water to your home.
That is done by the water pump or incoming water supply. So when a water softener 'runs' it is in its regeneration or 'backwash' cycle during which the softener pumps water into a salt tank to make brine, then flushes the brine backwards through the water treatment tank, then flushes the brine out of the treatment tank.
Because during the regeneration cycle the water softener is on 'bypass', any household water used by occupants during that interval is not treated or softened during the regeneration cycle.
Therefore we usually set the water softener timer to process its regeneration cycle in the middle of the night - when no one is using water. That may be what you are hearing.
See HOW WATER SOFTENERS / CONDITIONERS WORK for details about how water softeners work.
See WATER SOFTENER ADJUSTMENT & CONTROLS for advice on how to set the water softener timer and salt dose.
How much water does a water softener use during the regeneration cycle?
Reader question: how much water is being wasted during each water softener regen cycle?
2016/06/20 John said:
how many gallons of water being wasted during each regeneration cycle?
Reply: Here are the basics for computing how much water a water softener 'wastes' during regen
Thanks for asking an important question, John.
'Waste' is perhaps not perhaps the best term to use when discussing water use during a water softener regeneration cycle. The water softener is treating as much as 2000-3000 gallons of hard water depending on water softener size, model, and the hardness of the water supply.
That treatment is more than aesthetic, as it's also keeping plumbing piping, water heaters, and fixtures working rather than clogging from scale. Water hardness even determines the amount of detergent needed to wash clothing.
To regenerate - that is removing calcium and magnesium that has accumulated in the water softener the regen cycle may use between 30 and 100 gallons of water over 1-2 hours of the regenration cycle, again depending on softener model, size, water hardness (1 grain of hardness is about 17 ppm of calcium/magnesium in the water), salt dose and similar parameters.
Another data point for cross-checking claims about water softener water consumption during regen coming from a different source suggests that: typical mid-sized water softeners regenerate at about 0.3 gpm during the regen cycle.
Over two hours that's 120 x .3 or as little as 40 gallons of water being consumed. The lowest regen flow rate I've seen is about 0.18 and the highest 0.8 gpm, putting the upper end of water consumption by this approach at 0.8 x 120 or 96 gallons of water used over two hours.
I would agree, however, that more sophisticated water softeners that measure the hardness of water and the volume of water passing through the unit are more efficient at both salt and water usage than softeners that operate strictly by a clock-timer approach to setting the regeneration frequency and time.
As water softener efficiency varies that means the amount of salt needed and thus flush-water or brine needed varies too. A good standard is that an efficient water softner should use no more than 5 gallons of regeneration cycle water per 1000 grains of hardness removed from the water supply. Actual water usage is between 1.3 and 5.6 gallons of regeneration water per 1000 grains of water hardness, depending on softener model, design, and efficiency.
This tips us off that there isn't a single 'right' answer to your question. As Mark Cramer says, .... it depends. In this case on the hardness of your water supply, the volume of water being consumed, and the efficiency of your water softener.
See also WATER SOFTENER SALT DOSE SETTING as that determines how much salt is used at each regen cycle and thus how much water should be pumped into and then back out of the brine tank.
Resouces & research on water softener consumption rates:
- Apell, Jennifer N., and Treavor H. Boyer. 'Combined ion exchange treatment for removal of dissolved organic matter and hardness.' Water research 44, no. 8 (2010): 2419-2430.
- Clifford, Dennis, Suresh Subramonian, and Thomas J. Sorg. 'Water treatment processes. III. Removing dissolved inorganic contaminants from water.' Environmental science & technology 20, no. 11 (1986): 1072-1080.
- DeBoer, Lloyd M., and Thurston E. Larson. 'Water hardness and domestic use of detergents.' Journal (American Water Works Association) 53, no. 7 (1961): 809-822.
- NSF/ANSI Standard 44 - Residential Cation Exchange Water Softener efficiency ratings.
- Pentair Water Solutions, 'Achieving Brine Efficiency In Softening', [web article], retrieved 2016/06/20, publisher: Applied Membranes, Inc., original source: http://www.watertreatmentguide.com/achieving_brine_efficiency_in_softening.htm
- 'How Water Softener Controls Work', [web article], Pure Water Products, LLC, retrieved 2016/06/20 original source: http://www.purewateroccasional.net/hwmeteredsoftener.html
- Van der Bruggen, Bart, H. Goossens, P. A. Everard, K. Stemgee, and W. Rogge. 'Cost-benefit analysis of central softening for production of drinking water.' Journal of environmental management 91, no. 2 (2009): 541-549.
More Questions about How a Water Softener Regen Works
Question: Why does the water conditioner take longer for drawing brine from the salt tank than for refilling the salt tank?
Can someone explain why, during a regeneration cycle, the time for drawing brine from tank is five times longer than refilling water into tank. That part of the cycle is drawing all of the water from tank and continues that cycle long after the brine tank is empty.
This system was installed and setup by a water softener company who I'm assuming made all necessary tests. My new job is to maintain this system and insure proper operation. I had a stuck float in the brine tank which was repaired, than I forced a regeneration cycle and noticed the brine tank and cycle setup. - Bob
Reply: The water softener does not re-fill the brine tank with water immediately after drawing out brine
Bob, indeed it sounds as if the water softener control or perhaps the brine tank fill control is not working properly. Or maybe not.
Some water softeners do not pump water into the brine tank until the start of a regen cycle. In that case once brine has been drawn out of the tank you won't see water pumped back into the salt tank until the next regen cycle.
The water softener regeneration takes place by cycling salty water backwards through the treatment tank and out into a disposal drain, followed by some wash-out of brine from the treatment tank so that the household water is not full of salt.
So the regeneration cycle would be expected to run for the sum of the brine passage plus the flush out water passage - longer than just the time to remove the brine-water from the salt tank.
An abnormally long regen cycle past time that brine has been pumped out of the salt tank? Check the float.
But if the cycle is abnormally long compared to the exhaustion of the brine tank liquid, another possibility is the following: the softener is set to use a particular quantity of salt (in the form of brine water) based on water hardness and quantity used.
But if the float in the brine tank prevented sufficient water from entering the tank at the start of the regen cycle, then the softener control could find itself blithely pumping along, having exhausted the undersized salt dose but having no way to know that (the brine float is a mechanical device that has most often no direct communication with the actual electrically powered softener control).
So I'd make a double check that the un-stuck float in the brine tank is properly set in its height and free in its movement.
Question: water softener overflows
Water overflows - citation, 8/31/11
Water is flowing out of the top of my water softener salt tank. Can you tell me what's wrong and how to fix it ? - anon.
Sure. We discuss this problem in the article above
at WATER SOFTENER REGENERATION CYCLE DURATION - your system overflowing may be due to
- a stuck control
- a crimped or clogged water softener drain hose or pipe
- a brine tank float or control valve that is not shutting off water coming into the brine tank -
see WATER SOFTENER BRINE TANK FLOAT LEVEL ADJUSTMENT - if your water softener brine tank is overflowing the float control may be stuck. You should be able to remove, clean and replace the float to fix the problem. - a leak in the brine tank
- See the water softener overflow/backup diagnostics
Question: backwash observed when water softener returned to service
I moved into a new house 3 months ago to find the softener to be 'out of service' meaning my inlet outlet valves to softener were closed and bypass open.
When I lined softener up I noticed that water was running out of my backwash line this continued for 15-20 min. It was not in a regeneration cycle? Any answers would be great thanks - Josh 10/5/12
Josh, I'm guessing you bumped an extra regen cycle switch on the control; But it's just a guess. If the system was put out of service and on bypass it might be because the system was stuck in regeneration mode and needs cleaning or repair.
Question: how can I shut off the water softener?
water softner i unplugged the unit and it still runs water through it is there is there something i can do to shut off water from going through the system until i can get someone to look at it - Robert Clem 8/1/12
Put the water softener on bypass.
Question: Culligan 50 series softener that is continually draining water
I have a Culligan 50 series softener that is continually draining water. There is a plastic tube out the top that goes direct to the main house drain and recently we noticed there is a steady stream coming from it.
I tried to put in by pass and can't move the spool. - NH 8/8/12
I'd need to see a photo to be sure we are talking about the same component but it sounds as if you are describing a leak at the water / brine line between the brine tank and the water softener.
That line might leak either when the system is pumping water into the brine tank to make brine, or when the system is in regeneration cycle and is pumping salty water back through the water conditioner. Take a close look to see exactly what's leaking and replace those parts - it should be an inexpensive 'screw-together' repair.
See WATER SOFTENER BACKUP, FLOODING, LEAKS for diagnostic & repair procedures for this problem.
Question: would lack of salt make our water softener regen or recycle too often?
If we have not kept salt in our tank, would the softener recycle more often than it should?
The reason for my question is I got a call from the city about our culinary water consumption and it is extremely higher than normal which indicates either a leak in our home such as a toilet, or the water softener is recycling too often. How do I know how many times the softener is recycling? - Jamie 6/18/12
Reply: yes and no - it depends on softener type
No, if you have a basic softener that just runs the regen cycle by a timer. That sort does not know how salty the regen solution is.
Yes, if your softener is a more advanced model that monitors water hardness. that type would see that the water remains too hard and keep running regen cycles fruitlessly.
Question: Water softener stuck in regen backwash cycle
we haven't used our culligan softner since we moved in 1999. when i plug the unit in it constantly discharges water down the main waste. is this normal? - Sal 6/21/12
Sal, it sounds as if your water softener is stuck in regen-cycle.
Try cleaning it
then re-set the controls
then try a manual backwash cycle.
If the system keeps running for hours, then the water the water softener control needs repair or replacement.
Water softener regeneration cycle duration vs. frequency
Above we discussed the duration of water softener regeneration cycles: how long the equipment should run when executing a regeneration cycle.
Frequency of water softner regeneration is not the same question as duration of the regeneration cycle.
See the article above on this page:
WATER SOFTENER REGENERATION CYCLE DURATION for a discussion of abnormally-long water softener regeneration cycle time duration.
See WATER SOFTENER REGENERATION CYCLE FREQUENCY for details about how to set the water softener salt dose, regeneration frequency and on some models, softener regeneration time.
Reader Question: Water Boss 900 Water Softener Stuck in Regeneration Mode
16 March 2015 Anonymous said:
I have a Waterboss 900 that's stuck in regenerate mode. How do I remove valves to check for obstruction?
This question was originally posted at DIAGNOSE WATER SOFTENER PROBLEMS
On a WaterBoss 900 if the unit stays in 'regeneration' mode it may or may not be an obstruction.
Common causes of being stuck in regen include
1. The computer control is not properly attached. Check this FIRST. Be sure that the computer control is pushed all the way up onto the drive end cap.
2. Here you may be right: a foreign object (crud) may be stuck in the valve body. Look at the parts explosion and see my caveats below when disassembling to check or clean the valve.
3. Your Water Boss could have a broken valve assembly. If the motor runs and the valve doesn't turn this is probably the problem so I'd look for this condition before disassembling the valve.
If you don't already have an owners and installation manual for your Water Boss water softener, contact the company at the location I give below to obtain that document. That will give you a parts explosion and repair procedures specific to that machine.
Meanwhile I'd put the system on bypass and turn it off so you stop wasting water and perhaps flooding a septic system.
Watch out: I would NOT disassemble the unit one bit before having repair parts kit in hand. Going to all that trouble and finding that you've nicked or damaged an O-ring can leave you shut down while you have to wait for such parts, and chances are you need them anyway.
Contact details for WaterBoss Water Softeners
4343 S Hamilton Rd
Groveport, OH 43125
Phone: 800-437-8993
Fax: 614-836-9876
Reader Q&A - also see the FAQs series linked-to below
On 2020-12-19 - by (mod) -
The brine rinse cycle of a water softener indeed discharges rather salty water from the system. However I'm doubtful that the discharge will harm a typical residential sump pump system.
There can be a question of impact on a septic system tank and drainfield of salty brine discharge.
On 2020-12-19 by Terry Scharnhorst
When the brine tank flushes, how salty is the water that discharges? Is it too salty to discharge into a sump pump?
On 2020-10-08 - by (mod) -
What you do to stop a water softener regen cycle once it has begun depends on the specific water softer - as the controls will vary - as well as on why you're stopping it. I'll give some examples:
Case #1: If there is a leak and water is flooding the area, indeed you want to stop the water softener immediately; in that case turn off the valve that supplies water to the softener right away.
You may also want to turn off power to or un-plug the leaking softener.
Now take a closer look at where the leak was occurring: if it's in the softener's drain system or control head, you may be able to restore water to the building by putting the softener into BYPASS mode while you wait for your repair technician. Don't wait for months as hard water will ultimately cause scale deposits that can damage water heating equipment and clog pipes.
Case#2: you started a regeneration cycle and it's at an inconvenient time or you want to change softener settings:
In this case, again varying by type of softener control head (electro-mechanical, clock, vs. digital display for example) you can advance the timer's controls to skip the present regen cycle.
But watch out: depending on what step in the regeneration process your softener is working when you interrupt it, you may need to at least set the softener to run its final rinse cycle. For example if the softener was in the middle of the brine backwash cycle and you stop that and then return the softener to service you'll be sending very salty water into the building fixtures unless you finish with a rinse cycle.
Take a look at (and post a photo of ) your specific softener's control head and we can perhaps identify the model and refer you to the manual for your machine.
On 2020-10-08 by Maureen
How can I stop regeneration once it’s started?
On 2020-09-23 - by (mod) -
Thank you for the helpful comment, Anon.
On 2020-09-23 by Anonymous
NOTE: the first step in many newer models is to -fill- the brine tank, then proceed to brine drawing.
On 2020-08-11 - by (mod) -
Try power of, wait a few minutes, power on, manual regen; if the problem persists I suspect a bad control board.
On 2020-08-10 by Anonymous
My rainsoft drains some constantly?
On 2020-07-22 - by (mod) -
I think a reasonable place to start is by making sure first that your water softener timer is set to the current hour or time.
On 2020-07-22 by Alex
Rainsoft Silver SERIES MODEL: AMS 50 CT
Today I heard the drain getting the water out thru the washer/dryer evacuation system.
Initially I thought it is normal after it is been doing that for a while. Then I thought there is some problem so I unplugged the unit, but it keep drainning.
Then I stopped the water. After restarting everything worked fine, but than it started doing it again. Then my wife was using one of the faucets and it stopped. Then I took a shower it stopped again draining.
I am confused is there an issue.
PS: We bought the house 1 year ago but I started the unit only a week or two ago.
On 2020-01-26 by (mod) -
Check that water can flow into and brine flow out of the brine tank; a stuck brine tank float or crimped or leaky brine tank water tube are the easiest problems to find and fix
If those are intact, try a manual regen and watch what the softener does; if it's not opening a valve to send water into the brine tank and doesn't pump brine out of it I suspect the control head needs repair or replacement.
On 2020-01-26 by loven
My water softener goes through the regeneration cycles, but does nothing during the actual cycle.
On 2019-11-25 by (mod) -
I'd talk to the manufacturer; 'pre-programmed' could be wrong settings if not specifically for the hardness of your water supply,
On 2019-11-22 by Aaron Krystal Pure salt dose
Thanks. I have a Krystal Pure and it says the salt dosage is “pre-programmed” and should not be changed. The unit is only 4 years old.
On 2019-11-21 by (mod) -
There are several possible explanations here.
First you may need to adjust not just the Regeneration frequency but also the salt dose.
In addition it's possible that the softener is in fact not functioning that is not softening water if in fact it's resin is old and expired.
On 2019-11-21 by Aaron
I have a water softener and having issues getting the water soft. I tried adjusting hardness level and increasing it (even know I know it’s set correctly), but same readily. I have to manually Regen about 3-4 times for my water to get soft!
Any thoughts on why or what could cause this? Watched Regen cycle and everything seems to run normal. Verified no leaks/air in the brine valve. Any other recommendations?
On 2019-06-21 by (mod) -
I'd try removing all power for 5 minutes,
Then restore power and try a manual regen cycle.
On 2019-06-21 y Karen
My rain soft q2 water softner is stuck in a cycle what steps can i take to correct it
On 2019-05-05 by Miro
Water is drain from drain pipe nonstop on my ws series softener.What I can do?
On 2019-02-10 by (mod) - SOME water softeners permit cancelling a regeneration cycle by pressing particular control head buttons.
SOME water softeners permit cancelling a regeneration cycle by pressing particular control head buttons.
On an AquaAmerica / AquaSoft / Aqua Systems WATER SOFTENER, To cancel the regeneration simultaneously press UP + DOWN buttons and release.
On a Culligan Gold water softener: the word 'cancel' does not appear in the manual.
Watch out: I don't like to cancel a softener regen cycle once it's actually begun because you're leaving the system in a possibly dys-functional state.
The sequence of steps in a typical water softener regen cycle are at WATER SOFTENER OPERATING CYCLES
Step 1 - backwash the resin tank - about 14-15 minutes maybe longer
Step 2 - Brine draw out of the brine tank
Step 3 - slow rinse cycle
Step 4 - fast rinse cycle
Step 5 - re-fill the brine tank
So you can see that unless you stopped a regen cyle in the first moments of its first step, if you stopped it later you are leaving it in the 'wrong' state and there's a good chance you're not softening your water or you're leaving the system improperly maintained.
So what can you do?
When I've made the same mistake as you
AND when it was inconvenient to let the regen cycle continue
I left the softener OFF
I put the bypass control valve into BYPASS
I warned building occupants that the water softener was out of service,
Watch out: that means do not use a tankless coil or tankless water heater as extra minerals will quickly clog the hot water piping
But that permitted people to wash the car or water the lawn.
As soon as it was convenient I
- put the softener back into service - out of bypass mode
- allowed the softener to complete its regeneration cycle
at WATER CONDITIONER / SOFTENER MANUALS you can find the installation and operation manual for your particular water softener.
On 2019-02-10 by Anonymous
8 accidentally started washer during water softner regeneration. I turned it off after bout 15 minutes. What should I do?
On 2018-10-28 by (mod) -
The video is about How to fix a Rainsoft water softener motor and water valve on Q2 series unit.
readers can also find the actual instruction and repair manuals as well as contact information for RainSoft water softeners.
On 2018-10-28 by (mod) -
Chain said:
I [saw] a video ... about how to fix the motor and the pump by a guy named Dee G. It’s a little rough video but it explained to be the exact same problem I have
a pin is broken that goes from the shaft to the gears and the pump won’t move up and down
I have gotten my motor off and gotten the broken pieces of pin out,
I have not replaced them yet and I’m getting ready to remove the white cap
That goes to the pump my pump does not go up and down like he explained in his video and he showed how to clean that up and get it working again.

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Technical Reviewers & References
- [1] North Dakota Standards for Water Softeners, North Dakota General Authority Law, Chapter 62-04-08, Water Softener Units http://www.legis.nd.gov/information/acdata/pdf/62-04-08.pdf. 'The objective of this chapter is to provide a standard of quality, capacity,and performance for water softener units. Water softener performanceis to be based upon referee tests procedures described in section62-04-08-09.'
- [2] Culligan Mark 10 Water Softener 1994-1998 Installation and Operating Instructions (covering models manufactured after 1995) (1-96) 01881948.pdf available from www.culligan.com
- [6] 'Water Softener Twin Tank Installation and Operating Instructions', IBC Filtration & Water Treatment Products (Australia), op.cit.
- [10] General Electric Corporation, Operation Manual, 740/760 [Water Conditioner or Water Softener] Control, 255 and Performa Series Valves, (268, 268 FA), General Electric Corp. 2007
- [11] Ecodyne Industrial, 1270 Frontenac Road, Naperville, IL 60563Tel: 1 800-228-9326 (USA Only)Tel: +1 630-961-5043Fax: 1 800-671-8846, Customer Service: 1 800-228-9326, Email: customers@ecodyneind.com, Website: http://www.ecodyneind.com/
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- Carson, Dunlop & Associates Ltd., 120 Carlton Street Suite 407, Toronto ON M5A 4K2. Tel: (416) 964-9415 1-800-268-7070 Email: info@carsondunlop.com. The firm provides professional HOME INSPECTION SERVICES and also extensive HOME INSPECTION EDUCATION and home inspection-related PUBLICATIONS. Alan Carson is a past president of ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors.
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- POST a QUESTION or COMMENT about water softener controls, adjustments, timers, salt dose setting, regeneration frequency setting
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Water Softener Operating & Maintenance Instructions:
How to set & adjust a water softener or water conditioner.
Here we provide an owner's guide to water softener controls, what they are, what they do, how to set them - for water softener or water conditioner maintenance, including water softener adjustment of the regeneration or backwash cycle frequency and the water softener salt dose.
We explain the salt dose, regen cycle, hardness setting, and brine tank float level adjustment. We also discuss setting the water softener timer or clock.
We also provide a MASTER INDEX to this topic, or you can try the page top or bottom SEARCH BOX as a quick way to find information you need.
Homeowner's Guide to Water Softener Settings & Adjustments - how to set the water softener controls
How to set the softener regeneration cycle frequency. Recommended water softener settings if you don't have other information; Salt dose table for water conditioners; salt dial setting procedure.
How to calculate the required salt dose; how to adjust the brine tank float; how to set the water softener clock; how to set electronic controls on a water softener.
Click to enlarge any image or table]
Article Series Contents
Four Basic Adjustments or Tasks Necessary to Use a Water Softener
Because the hardness and volume of water used both vary from one building to another, a water softener or water conditioner includes controls that allow the installer or building occupants to adjust the system to work properly.
Water conditioner or water softener controls typically include either analog-type dials with pins, buttons, or levers (control at left)( or electronic controls operated by pushbuttons (discussed later in this article
The two principal adjustments on any water softener, whether they are done manually by an owner or automagically by water hardness sensors, are listed below, followed by two basic maintenance chores.
- Set the Regen or Backwash Frequency: The frequency of water conditioner regeneration cycle or the 'backwash' cycle.
See WATER SOFTENER REGENERATION CYCLE FREQUENCY for details - Set the Salt Dose: The amount of salt (or salty water) that must be run through the water conditioner during each regeneration cycle or 'backwash' cycle.
See WATER SOFTENER SALT DOSE SETTING for details. - Add salt: because a water conditioner (or water softener) consumes salt during each regeneration or backwash cycle, you will need to buy and add salt to the brine tank from time to time. You can determine when to add salt by visual inspection - salt gets low inside the brine tank, or you can if you prefer hire a water softener maintenance company who will deliver and install the salt for you.
- Clean the Water Conditioner:
As we explain at WATER SOFTENER CLEANING & SANITIZING, water softener brine tanks also need to be emptied and cleaned from time to time.
Sanitizing the water softener will require a regeneration cycle to be complete.
Question: how to use the pins and dial in the photograph above?
[Shown just above is ] exactly the control my softener has, but I cannot find instructions on how to set the pins on the dial that say 2 minutes per pin, or get repair parts.
My softener is an NPS AquAmerica Model 92083. Mfgr is/was in Norton, Ohio and was made in about 1995.
Can you help please? - Anonymous by private email 2017/01/22
That dial is controlling the regen cycle duration - a way of adjusting the softener to accord with the hardness of your water. You'd move the pins to a higher number to obtain a longer regen time if the water remains hard after treatment - and presuming all else is working normally.
I attach a water softener manual [PDF document] that may not be an exact match but should be helpful. Found at Aqua Systems 800 n447 5582 http://www.ilovemywater.com/Contact-Aqua-Systems.aspx
Searching InspectApedia.com
for WATER CONDITIONER / SOFTENER MANUALS will provide a list of manuals listed under the AquaAmeria / AquaSoft / Aqua Systems name.
Clock Settings for a Water Softener
How to Set the Water Softener Clock & Regeneration Cycle Frequency
Because water conditioners and their controls vary among manufacturers and models, below we discuss several methods for determining and actually making the necessary settings or adjustments on this equipment.
And there is a third maintenance task for building owners who have a water conditioner: setting the clock
Guide to Setting the water softener controls:
Our photo above shows the standard controls on a water softener, permitting the user to specify the days on which a recharge/backwash cycle will occur, the salt dose, and also the time of day.
Set the water softener clock:
Setting the clock on the water softener control is important for two reasons: first, you won't be bothered by hearing it run if it recycles when you are asleep or out of the home, and second, since the water softener recharge cycle uses plenty of water, it's a good idea to send that discharge to the septic system at a time when other plumbing fixtures are not in use - thus spreading the wastewater load on the septic system out over a longer period.
Set the clock dial to the accurate time of day and set the water softener regeneration time to an hour when the building occupants are least likely to be using water, such as at 2AM - the standard factory pre-set regeneration hour.
On units with a clock dial, the silver colored section corresponds to daytime hours and the black colored portion corresponds to night time hours.
Usually the 'clock dial' is adjusted by lifting it up and turning it to the proper position, or turning a dial to line up the correct hour of the day with an indicator arrow (lower right in our photo).
Question: Where is the 'Clock' on my water softener and how do I set it?
Extremely well written and done !! Thank you. But, i still can not identify my softener system or control clock. It was here when i bought the house. Is there anywhere some pictures identifying different controllers. bugrubert@hotmail.com
Bugrubert, you are welcome to send me photos of the equipment and all labels you can find including inside the control cover - use the email address found at the CONTACT link shown at the top, left, and bottom of all of our web pages.
On dial type (non LED or LCD type display) water softeners or conditioners, you may not see a dial that looks like a clock with hands. In the water conditioner control photos below, from left to right,
- The clock on this water conditioner control is set by turning the knob marked 'Time of Day' that has numbers on it so that the current AM or PM hour is opposite the arrow point (lower right corner of our first photo at below left).
You will see a similar 'Time Set' button on Autotrol water conditioners.
- The clock on the next water conditioner control (below right) is set by turning the AM (white area) or PM (black area) hour to be opposite the black pointer to which our red arrow is pointing.
- On an electronic display water softener such as the Autotrol 460i, for example, to set the time of day you may have to set a jumper next to the word 'TIME' on the control (blue arrow) and then push the 'Time Set' button (red arrow) until the correct AM and PM time of day is indicated on an LED display.
Water Softener Control Adjustment Procedure Details - 6 Easy Steps to Soft Water
- Measure the hardness of your water
using a test kit or by asking a service tech to do it for you.
The number you get should be expressed in either GPG (grains of hardness per gallon of water) or in PPM (parts per million of minerals in your water)
Our photo (left) illustrates a simple water hardness test that also measures other water parameters. - Adjust the water softener 'Hardness' setting.
Adjust the water softener 'hardness' to the same number as the hardness that you measured for your own water supply. For example if you measured your water hardness as 30 grains per gallon (30 GPG), then the 'hardness' setting will be '30'. If your water hardness was measured in parts per million (PPM),
Divide PPM by 17.1 to get hardness in grains per gallon: PPM / 17.1 = GPG
Or to convert from hardness in PPM to hardness in grains per gallon,
Multiply grains per gallon GPG by 17.1 to get hardness in PPM: GPG x 17.1 = PPM - Set the water softener 'Capacity':
Adjust the water softener capacity setting according to your manual and our example discussed earlier.
Typically capacity for a water softener is a number from 1 to 99 kilograins. This is the amount of hardness, measured in grains, that the softener can remove before it needs to be re-generated.
Suppose your water conditioner capacity setting is adjusted to 30 kilograins (1st column at left side of the salt dose able)
More details are
at WATER SOFTENER CAPACITY SETTING - Determine softener treatment tank size:
Let's assume your water softener treatment tank is a 1-cubic foot capacity unit. Notice the table column under 1.0 Ft3. (4th column from left in the water softener salt dose table). The water softener tank size is it's resin volume in cubic feet, typically a number between 0.75 cu ft and 2.0 cu ft. - Read the recommended salt dose in pounds:
reading across from 30 kilograins of hardness in column 1 to our 4th column (the 1 cubic foot softener size) we see that the manufacturer recommends 15 pounds of salt. - Set the salt dose - the brine control:
set the dial to 15 pounds of salt. If your equipment is in the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, Canada, or another country that measures and marks equipment using the metric system your salt dose will be measured in kilograms or kg of salt.
If you need to convert pounds to kilograms or kg, divide pounds by 2.2. More examples of how to determine and set the water softener salt dose can be read
Watch out: follow the instructions in the right maintenance manual for your own equipment. And in the salt dose table, don't confuse kg of salt (numbers in the table body) with kilograins of water hardness (numbers in table column 1).
Also, remember this setting is adjusting only the salt dose, not the frequency of regeneration cycle.
Another Approach to Water Conditioner Settings for Salt Dose & Regeneration Frequency
If you don't have a manual and can't find instructions for your unit, (and don't want to call a qualified service technician) leave the salt dose alone, then send the softener through a regeneration cycle and measure the hardness of your water again.
Then monitor water hardness on the days between your regen cycle and the next automatic regen cycle, during a period of your best guess at average water quantity use. If your water shows unacceptable hardness before another softener regen, you'll need to increase the frequency of regeneration cycle.
Typical frequencies for manually-set water softener regeneration as a starting point are are once a week, once every 3 or 4 days, every other day, and daily.
If you are running the system daily and water is still too hard you may need to increase the salt dose. But don't overdo the salt or you may have salty water - a health and aesthetic issue.
Subjective judgment of water hardness:
It's best to measure the hardness of your water - kits are inexpensive or some services will perform the test at no charge.
If you can't get a lather using shampoo on your head in the shower, either you're bald, or the water is still pretty hard. If your water feels slimy and you have trouble rinsing off soap, your water might be more soft than necessary (though other problems can also cause this symptom).
Water Softener or Water Equipment Adjustment Tip:
Most water treatment companies will be glad to send a representative to your building to test water hardness (or other contaminants) and to advise you on the condition and settings of the water treatment equipment you have in place, or to suggest alternatives if you are shopping.
Regeneration Cycle Frequency on Water Softeners
How Often does the Water Softener Need to Run a Backwash & Regeneration or 'Recharge' Cycle?
Your water softener manufacturer will provide a Salt Dosage/FrequencyChart along with the softener's installation and maintenance instructions.
A water softener recharge frequency and salt dose example is provided by Culligan:,
'If four individuals live in the household, and the water has a total hardness of 18 grains per gallon, the salt dosage per recharge for the water conditioner will be 5 pounds (2.5 kg) and the recharge frequency will be 3 (or every 2 days). Monthly salt usage can be estimated, using these figures, at about 75 pounds (37.5 kg).
IBC in Australia provides this simple formula that can calculate the regeneration cycle for a water softener if you know all of the required parameters:
Number of Days Between Water Softener Regeneration Cycles = N
Maximum capacity of the treatment tank in grams of CaCO3 or NaCL = C
Volume of water passing through the treatment tank per day = Q (Kiloliters per day) or (Gallons per day)
Hardness of the incoming water measured in micrograms/Liter (mg/L) or in PPM = H
N = C / (H x Q)
This should be taken only as a rough calculation - set your backwash frequency to this number of days or less.
An extra regeneration cycle is needed under some circumstances.
Water softener regeneration cycle frequency vs. cycle duration time
Above we discussed the frequency of water softener regeneration cycles: how often the equipment should run through a regeneration cycle.
Frequency of water softner regeneration is not the same question as duration of the regeneration cycle.
See WATER SOFTENER RUNS TOO LONG for a discussion of abnormally-long water softener regeneration cycle time duration.
Recommended Settings for Water Softeners
So What Settings Should I Use on My Water Softener? How to Set the Water Softener Salt Dose
Question: What salt dose should I use on my water softener?
I have a Autotrol 460i water softer. The water hardness going into my house measures 10. What settings do I need set in order to create water hardness setting out of my faucets to read around 1or 2? - Walter Schwartz
Reply: The salt dose for your water conditioner depends on some variables. Here is an example and a water softener salt dose table for reference
Some water conditioners (water softeners) automagically track water quantity usage and water hardness and adjust themselves without you having to do a thing. But lots of models require a manual adjustment based on water hardness and water quantity used.
The necessary water softener settings depend not just on water hardness but on your brand and model of water softener equipment and how much water you are using.Here are some remarks about setting the salt dose and regen frequency on a water softener:
Most water softener owners manuals include a table of recommended settings. Start there. If you don't have an owner's manual call the manufacturer's tech service and give them the model number and ask for a manual as well as their setting advice.
Water Softener 'Hardness Setting'
Here is an excerpt from a copy of the manual for
your AUTOTROL Water Conditioning Control System, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual. [PDF]
On this water conditioner you can specify the time of regeneration (factory is set to 2:00 AM) to be sure it's running at a time when you are not using water in the building.
Here are instructions on adjusting the hardness setting for this equipment: [Quoting]
Water Conditioner Hardness Setting: Move the jumper to the set of pins next to the word HARDNESS (Figure 11).
Press the black TIME SET button until the correct hardness is displayed.
The hardness range is from 1 to 99 grains per gallon.
To change water hardness stated in parts per million (PPM) to grains per gallon (GPG) use this formula:
Parts per Million / 17.1 = Grains per Gallon
Water Softener / Conditioner Capacity Setting
Typically the capacity for a water softener - the amount of hardness it can remove before a regeneration is necessary - is a number from 1 to 99 kilograins.
Suppose your water conditioner capacity setting is adjusted to 30 kilograins (1st column at left side of the salt dose able)
For our example water softener, move the jumper to the set of pins next to the word CAPACITY (Figure 12).
Press the black TIME SET button until the correct capacity value is displayed. The capacity range is 1 to 99 kilograins.
Refer to the Suggested Salt Dial Settings table [shown below].
Return the jumper to the top set of pins next to the word TIME and replace the access door.
The next three sets of pins are used for factory testing and are not used in normal operation. The jumper must NOT be left on any pins other than the top pair next to the word TIME. Otherwise, the unit may not function.
Note: A spare jumper is located on the bottom set of pins.
In the event that the hardness or capacity setting must be changed, simply follow the appropriate steps described above.
Note: We have tried to translate these mysterious and unclear instructions into understandable English,
at Water Softener Control Adjustment Procedure Details
so CONTACT us with suggestions.
Like some other advanced water conditioners on the market, the control module for the Autotrol water softener includes a microprocessor that monitors your level of water usage, adjusting the regeneration cycle accordingly.
See WATER SOFTENER RESIN PROPERTIES for a detailed explanation of the relationship between incoming water hardness (in grains), water usage volume, water softener resin properties, and the capacity of the water softener to remove hardness.
How to Set the Water Softener Salt Dosage
Complete details about adjusting the water softener salt dose are found in these separate explanations:
Excerpts summarizing water softener salt use are just below.
Water softener brine control or salt dose and regeneration cycle frequency as well as other settings vary depending on the type of water softener control on your machine. But the basic concept remains the same:
- The harder your incoming water supply is, the larger is the salt dose that will be needed to regenerate the water softener itself.
- The larger the water quantity you use in your home, the more often the water softener will need to run through a regeneration cycle.
- The Brine Control: how to set the water softener salt dose:
Your water softener's instructions (available from the manufacturer or from a local water softener service company) will tell you what salt dosage to set on the softener as a function of how many grains of hardness your water supply shows.
The salt dose scale on a typical water softener indicates the number of pounds of salt to be used in each water softener recharge cycle.
Shown at left, the pointer knob is set to between 14 and 15 pounds of salt on an Autotrol salt dose control (a high setting by the way).
[Click to enlarge any image]
Set the water softener recharge frequency: your water softener's instructions will tell you how often the system should be recharged as a function of your estimated daily water usage in gallons.
At left is a typical water softener recharge frequency chart for a Culligan System 19 or 23 Water Conditioner.
[Click to enlarge any image or table]
Typically a water softener control includes a seven-day recharge frequency dial with tabs that can be pushed-in or pulled out to cause the water softener to use a recharge cycle on that day. Harder water and higher quantity of water usage means more frequent recharge cycling is needed.
If your water softener has an automatic sensor of the hardness of water leaving the treatment tank (such as the Culligan Soft-Minder®), it can decide for itself when a recharge or regeneration cycle is needed.
Water Softener Electronic Control Setting Procedure
Question: How do I set the Water Softener Controls on a Sears Kenmore Electronic Unit?
My water conditioner is a Kenmore model that uses an electronic control rather than dials, levers and pins. How do I set that control?
To set a Kenmore water conditioner electronic control try these basic steps. If these instructions don't match your unit contact us by email with your brand and model number and we'll help you find those instructions. [18]
- Select button:
Find the Hardness Setting by pressing the Select Button on your water conditioner control box until you see the control display flash the word Hardness and a number. The number is the current hardness setting of your equipment. - Choose the control setting number:
The default setting on a typical Kenmore water softener with this control type is 25. The electronic control setting number to which you should set the electronic control on your water conditioner is either- Grains per gallon of hardness (if your system does not include an iron treatment component)
or - Control Setting Number calculated as follows:
For a typical Kenmore water conditioner instructions indicate
Hardness Number = GPG of hardness (grains per gallon of hardness)
Iron Number = Iron ppm x 5
Control setting = Hardness Number + Iron Number
If you don't know what hardness number you want, see our discussion about hardness numbers in the article above or use the test kits we describe to determine the hardness of your water supply. For Kenmore customers Sears offers a free water hardness and water iron test.
- Grains per gallon of hardness (if your system does not include an iron treatment component)
- Arrow Button:
press the Up or Down buttons to change the current Control Setting Number to the setting you want
To continue with other settings on this type of machine, - Select button:
press the Select Button again to show Recharge Time - Choose the Recharge Time of Day:
this setting determines the time of day at which the system will run through a regeneration cycle. The factory default is 2:00 AM - which we recommend unless you are often using building water at that hour. Use the up or down arrows to change the recharge time in one-hour increments.
To continue with other settings on this type of machine, - Select Button:
press the Select button again to show Set Salt Level - Choose the Current Brine Tank Salt Level:
open the brine tank, note the yellow sticker that has numbers 0-8 imprinted on it. Choose the salt level to match the highest number on the decal to which the salt is actually present in the brine tank.
This setting tells the water softener how much salt is in the brine tank and thus will allow the equipment to tell you (on its display) when the salt level is low - when you need to add more salt to the system. - Select Button: use the Select Button once more to finish up
setting the Kenmore water softener control by pressing it again to show the current time of day. - Set the water softener clock to correct time of day:
if the clock is not displaying the correct time, you can also use the Select Button to choose Set Time of Day, then set the correct time using the up and down buttons.
As we detail
it's easy to see if your water softener is doing anything by using one of several water hardness tests including the strips shown at left. Or you may suspect a problem if you are no longer able to get your shampoo to lather when taking a shower.
Reader Q&A - also see the FAQs series linked-to below

On 2020-11-05 - by (mod) -
That's probably a common controller on many softeners; try taking a look at the steps given at
You can also post a photo of any other stickers or tags on or in the control; often from something as indirect as a patent no. we (or you) can use Google Scholar to find the company of origin.
Marlo 9100 Water Softener Manual Installation
On 2020-11-05 by jim
I am trying to ID what make this controller is. I have no other info on it. Looking for a manual .
Thank You.
On 2020-04-28 - by (mod) -
Sorry that there seems to be a misunderstanding, but you did not purchase parts for your water softener from us. (InspectApedia.com)
We do not sell anything and never have: no parts, no services, nothing.
InspectAPedia is an independent publisher of building, environmental, and forensic inspection, diagnosis, and repair information for the public - we have no business nor financial connection with any manufacturer or service provider discussed at our website. We very much welcome critique, questions, or content suggestions for our web articles. Website content contributors, even if it's just a small correction, are cited, quoted, and linked-to from the appropriate additional web pages and articles - which benefits us both. Working together and exchanging information makes us better informed than any individual can be working alone.
More about us is at ABOUT InspectApedia.com inspectapedia.com/Admin/About_InspectApedia.php
The recommended regen frequency settings for your water softener depend on both the hardness (you cite 17 grains) and also on the water softener brand and model.
That's because water softener capacity varies among brands and models.
However it should be pretty easy to answer your question: take a look in the manual for your particular water softener. You'll find a table of recommended salt dose and regen frequency settings for your water hardness for your specific model.
Or in the article above on this very page, please take a look at
and don't hesitate to ask follow-up questions if any of that is unclear.
Thanks for asking.
On 2020-04-28 by Jeff
I recently purchased parts from you to rebuild my softener and it is working like a champ now. My water is 17 grains hard (untreated) and there are two of us in the house. We occasionally have two extras when a child comes home for the weekend. What would you suggest for regeneration settings?
On 2020-04-02 - by (mod) -
Sure Todd
Let's start by taking a look at the suggestions at IDENTIFY WATER SOFTENER BRAND / MODEL
On 2020-04-02 by Todd
Hi, Trying to find out what softener this is. Hoping to track down a manual or instructions on how to properly set this water softener. It's an older unit, installed @ 2003. It is working, just don't know how to really anything on it. Really appreciate any one who can help out!!
On 2019-12-16 by Anonymous
Sounds like a lot to me. Check the settings on the water softener; often the softener will give an actual salt 'dose' in pounds. You can compare that with the pounds (or volume) of salt in the brine tank.
Also tell us the level of hardness in your water and see what your softener manual says should be the salt dose setting or that hardness.
On 2019-12-16 by phil bailey
my softener used one 40# bag of salt for one regen cycle. is this normal?
On 2018-10-26 - by (mod) -
The meaning of an error light on a water softener is brand and model dependent so I'm afraid you need to consult the manual to see what the area code is.
On 2018-10-26 by Lee
Light not stop blinking
Marlo Water Softener Systems
Continue reading at WATER SOFTENER CONTROLS & OPERATION - topic home, or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX.
Or see WATER SOFTENER CONTROL SETTING FAQs - questions & answers about water softener control settings posted originally at this article
Or see these
Recommended Articles
- DIAGNOSE WATER SOFTENER PROBLEMS - if your softener is not working
- INSTALLATION of WATER SOFTENERS how this equipment should be installed.
- REDUCE IMPACT of SOFTENER on SEPTIC we provide suggestions for reducing the impact of water softeners on septic systems. Below we provide the details of how to adjust and maintain a residential or light commercial water softener for proper operation.
- SALT OR WATER INTO SEPTIC importance of using the proper settings that control water softener operation, and performing proper water softener maintenance will assure that the water softener is effective in treating hard water, it will avoid wasting water, and if a private septic system is installed it will significantly reduce the chances that a septic system will be damaged by flooding or by excessive salt due to water softener malfunction.
- WATER SOFTENER CONTROL BYPASS VALVE - how to put the water softener temporarily out of service.
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Technical Reviewers & References
Marlo Softener Manual
- [1] A.I. McDermott Co., Inc. produces the AquaSoft series of water softeners including the AquaSoft Pro-Plus 460-series water softeners Pro 255, Pro Performa 400, Pro 460i, Logix, and CL softeners. Here is an example water softener manual for the Aquasoft Pro Plus water softener with the 460i Controllers such as PES32M268-MP - web search 09/11/2010, original source: http://www.gewater.com/pdf/resdntl/manuals/1017948.pdf describing a General Electric GE-produced control.
- [2] Autotro® 255 Valve / 400 Series Controls, Water Conditioning Control System, Home Owner Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual, Pentair Residential Filtration, LLC, 2009
- [3] Autotrol® Series 255 Valve / 460i Water Conditioning Control System, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual, web search 09/01/2010 original source: http://www.qualitywatertreatment.com/PDF/Autotrol%20255-460i_Manual.pdf
- [4] Aquatell (Nelsen Corporation) produces Autotrol Water Conditioners. Email: sales@aquatell.com Tel: Toll Free 1-866-966-9951 Website: Toll Free 1-866-966-9951 Website: http://www.aquatell.com/
- [5] 'Commercial Water Softener Installation and Operating Instructions', IBC Filtration & Water Treatment Products (Australia) for commercial, industrial and residential application www.ibcwater.com.au (07) 3219 2233
- [6] Culligan System 19 and 23 Water Conditioners (Filament Wound Tank) Installation and Operating Instructions, Cat. No. 00-8816-57 (Printed 6/89), Culligan INternational Company, Northbrook IL. 60062, San Bernadino CA 92402, Culligan NV/Brussels, Belgium, Culligan Italiana SpA/Bologna, Italy, Culligan of Canada, Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5K 1A5
- [7] Culligan Mark 10 Water Softener 1994-1998 Installation and Operating Instructions (covering models manufactured after 1995) (1-96) 01881948.pdf available from www.culligan.com
- [8] 'Non electric water softener, Installation and Operating Instructions', IBC Filtration & Water Treatment Products (Australia), op.cit.
- [9] North Dakota Standards for Water Softeners, North Dakota General Authority Law, Chapter 62-04-08, Water Softener Units http://www.legis.nd.gov/information/acdata/pdf/62-04-08.pdf. 'The objective of this chapter is to provide a standard of quality, capacity, and performance for water softener units. Water softener performance is to be based upon referee tests procedures described in section 62-04-08-09.'
- [11] 'Water Softener Twin Tank Installation and Operating Instructions', IBC Filtration & Water Treatment Products (Australia), op.cit.
- [12] Water Softeners, CMHC, Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/co/maho/wawa/wawa_005.cfm - October 2008. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation acknowledges the contribution of Health Canada to the development of this document. For further questions regarding water treatment and water quality, contact Health Canada at watereau@hc-sc.gc.ca or call 613-957-2991 or 1-866-225-0709.
- [13] Watts Industries of North Andover, Mass., provides its ZRO-4 under counter system intended to target the independent water dealer market.
- [14] Thanks to reader M.P. for discussing the requirement to adjust the float level in water softener brine tanks - January 2011
- [15] Kinetico Model 50 Water Conditioner, 2002, Kinetico Home Water Systems, 10845 Kinsman Road
Newbury, Ohio 44065 USA, Tel: 800-944-9283. Kinetico also produces the AquaKinetic Series and Powerline Series Water Softeners. - [16] Treatment Systems for Household Water Supplies, Iron and manganese Removal, Bruce Seelig, Water Quality Specialist, North Dakota Extension ServiceRussell Derickson, Extension Associate in Water and Natural Resources, South Dakota Extension ServiceFred Bergsrud, Water Quality Coordinator, Minnesota Extension Service, AE-1030, County Commissions, North Dakota State University and U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. Web search 04/16/2012, original source: http://www.ag.ndsu.edu/pubs/h2oqual/watsys/ae1030w.htm [copy on file as /Water/Iron_Manganese_Removal_NDSU.pdf]
- [17] Averbeck, David, Mike Catanzaro, Jason Davis, Andrew Warnes, 'Softener Discharge Versus Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Units', Water Conditioning & Purification, Feb. 2010 [ copy on file as Water_Softener_Vs_Septic_Averbeck.pdf ]
- Alhajjar, Bashar Jamil, 1981, The Effects of Electrolyte Concentration, Cation Adsorption Ratio, and the Septic Tank Effluent Composition on Hydraulic Properties of Natural Swelling Soil Systems, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- Corey, R.B., and Tyler, E.J., 1978, Potential Effects of Water Softener Use on Septic Tank Soil Absorption On-Site Waste Water Systems, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- Corey, R.B., Tyler, E.J. and Olotu, M.U., 1978. Effects of Water Softener Use on the Permeability of Septic Tank Seepage Fields. Proceedings of the Second National Home Sewage Treatment Symposium. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
- DalTech Dalhousie University. 2001. The Effect of Softeners on Onsite Wastewater Systems, Centre for Water Resources Studies, On-Site Applied Research Program, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2001.
- Deal, K, 1998. Analysis of Septic System Failure in Gallatin County Montana, MSU Extension Service.
- Etzel, J.E., 1978. Softener Brines Do Not Harm Household Sewage Systems, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
- Isaacs, W.P., and Stockton, G.R., 1981. Softened Water Energy Savings Study Controlled Experimental Testing Program on Household Water Heaters, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM.
- Great Lakes Upper Mississippi River Board of State Sanitary Engineers, 1980. Recommended Standards for Individual Sewage Systems.
- Renn, C.E., Effects of Salts on Waste Treatment Systems, Johns Hopkins University.
- Tedrow, J.C.F., 1997. The Effect of Sodium Discharge from Water Softeners into the Septic Fields of New Jersey, Rutgers University.
- NSF International, 1978. The Effect of Home Water Softener Waste Regeneration Brines on Individual Aerobic Treatment Plants.
- Michaud, C.F., 2005. “What’s the Big Stick on Septic Discharge?”, WC&P Magazine, May 2005.
- National Small Flows Clearinghouse, Pipeline, Winter 2001.
- Water Quality Association. 1976. Effects of Backwash Water and Regeneration Wastes from Household Water Conditioning Equipment on Private Sewage Disposal Systems. 15. Wood, F.O., The Results of Putting Brine Effluent Into a Septic Tank Drainage System, Salt Institute, Alexandria, VA, 1984.
- [18] Kenmore Water Softener Use & Care Guide, Model 635.383000 (with a high flow valve), retrieved 2/14/2013, original source: http://c.sears.com/assets/own/896150e.pdf [ copy on file as Kenmore_Softener_No.625.383_Manual.pdf ]
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