- Download Game Stronghold Crusader Yang Bukan Demon
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Journey to distant Arabian lands renowned for brave warriors and fearsome weaponry in Stronghold Crusader HD. The highly anticipated sequel to the best-selling Stronghold, Crusader throws you into historic battles from the Crusades with fiendish AI opponents, new units, 4 historical campaigns and over 100 unique skirmish missions.
- Join the Crusaders or the Saladin’s forces in 4 historical campaigns.
- Fight through 100 unique skirmish missions, each one more challenging than the last.
- Design and build your desert fortress, with a working economy and brutal killing zones.
- Command new units with unique abilities, such as the stealthy Assassin and nimble Horse Archer.
- High resolution graphics allow you to view the entire map on a single screen.
Stronghold Crusader PC adalah sebuah game bergenre strategy yang di kembangkan dan dirilis oleh firefly pada tahun 2001. Game ini merupakan game strategy terlaris pada platform PC dan mempunyai beberapa seri kedua dan juga ketiga. Namun kali ini admin masih membagikan seri pertamanya saja dan di lain waktu akan membagikan seri kedua dan ketiganya. Stronghold Crusader Extreme is a game developed by Firefly Studios and it is listed in Games category under Strategy. Stronghold Crusader Extreme is licensed as Shareware which means that game is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited.
Stronghold Crusader HD features several campaigns documenting the First, Second and Third Crusades, as well as conflicts within the individual Crusader states. Battles such as Nicea, Heraclea, siege of Antioch, Krak des Chevaliers and the Siege of Jerusalem all feature, as do the Crusader Trails from the Stronghold Warchest and Stronghold Crusader Extreme.
HD Edition
With new high resolution graphics you have more control over your soldiers than ever before. The new HD battlefield view allows you to zoom out and play in real-time, with the whole map on one screen. Advance on the castle gates while flanking the enemy from behind, feign retreat and lead your foe into a deadly trap or just sit back and watch the destruction unfold.
Both Stronghold Crusader and Stronghold Crusader Extreme are included in Stronghold Crusader HD. Extreme plays exactly like the original Stronghold Crusader, only with a few additions. The unit cap has been increased from 1000 to a staggering 10,000 troops, special Tactical Powers such as the Arrow Volley can be used and new buildings make their appearance alongside the Crusader Extreme skirmish trail.
- OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
- Processor: Pentium® III 500 mhz
- Memory: 128 MB RAM
- Graphics: 64MB DirectX 8.1 Compatible
- DirectX: Version 8.1
- Hard Drive: 850 MB available space
- Sound Card: DirectX 8.1 Compatible
- Additional Notes: GameRanger software will be installed for mutiplayer matchmaking support
Kali ini Ghesa akan memberikan informasi kalau Stronghold Crusader sudah versi 1.3 . sebenarnya patch ini sudah keluar hari jumat, 16 November 2012. kalau tidak percaya lihat aja ss nya dibawah: (lhat tulisan HD dan tulisan versi dekat tombol exit)
Katanya didalam patch ini akan memperbaiki bug yang ada sejak tahun 2001, wah sudah lewat 11 tahun dong . . . xD dalam patch ini juga diberikan kemudahan saat instalasi, maksutnya kita dapat menginstal secara manual walau pun instaler tidak dapat menemukan file sistem.
Link saya carikan dari website resmi http://www.fireflyworlds.com dan besar filenya sekitar 59mb
DOWNLOAD (tested) Mediafire
Update 28 Mei 2014: link download sudah di update. Silahkan download denan tenang ..
Selamat mendownload, , ,
-Semua link diatas adalah offline installer
-Sembari download alangkah baiknya untuk membaca penjelasan dari pihak firefly:
We have added new HD patches for Stronghold, Stronghold Crusader and Stronghold Crusader Extreme to their official websites, fixing bugs and installer issues reported by players.
The new HD patch for Stronghold solves a number of problems reported by players, allowing the patch to be installed even if it cannot automatically detect the game. It also fixes a crash when selecting troops in the Map Editor and an overlapping worker text bug in the information panels.
The new HD patches for Stronghold Crusader and Stronghold Crusader Extreme allows the patch to be installed even if it cannot automatically detect the game. Click Read More for a list of links and fixes.
This updated patch contains the following fixes:
Download Game Stronghold Crusader Yang Bukan Demon
If the patch fails to auto-detect the original install, it will give players the option to install the patch manually
Fixed crash in Stronghold Map Editor
Fixed small text issue (bug from 2001!)
STEAM: Unfortunately, these patches will not work with the Steam versions. We're currently in talks with Steam about adding the HD versions and updating the Stronghold Collection versions of the games. We just need to wait for Steam to give us the green light and we will be sure to let you all know when they do.
HD Patch Information
We have noticed some posts from people experiencing issues with the HD Patches.

The HD patches do not support the Steam versions of our games; we are in talks with Valve about this at the moment and hope to have Steam versions available soon.
Players with the Stronghold Collection (non-Steam) only need to run the Stronghold HD and Stronghold Crusader Extreme HD patches. The Stronghold Crusader Extreme HD Patch updates Crusader automatically.
For customers who have seen the ‘Error Mode Not Support’ message after patching. Please email us at the address shown below.
There are three patches available at the moment.
PatchOld VersionsPatched VersionIncompatible
Stronghold HDStronghold 1.0, 1.1, 1.2Stronghold HD 1.3None
Stronghold Crusader HDStronghold Crusader 1.0, 1.1Stronghold Crusader HD 1.3Stronghold Crusader Extreme, Stronghold Collection
Stronghold Crusader Extreme HDStronghold Crusader Extreme 1.2.1Stronghold Crusader Extreme HD 1.3.1Stronghold Crusader 1.0, 1.1, Warchest Edition.
Many versions of Stronghold and Stronghold Crusader have been released over the years and we have tried to test as many versions as possible. If you are having problems upgrading your copy of Stronghold or Stronghold Crusader please email admin@fireflyworlds.com with the following information:
Download Game Stronghold Crusader Yang Bukan Demo Full
Game: e.g. StrongholdDownload Game Stronghold Crusader Yang Bukan Demo Nya
Version: e.g. Stronghold WarchestLanguage: e.g. English
Description of the problem: e.g. The patch says i do not have Stronghold installed.