2017-08-09 00:00:00|DR-22WL Tested Media List - 48.9 KB|dr22wl_tested_media_list_20170925.pdf2017-03-14 00:00:00|DR-22WL firmware update procedure - 385.16 KB|e_dr-22wl_fw-update_vd.pdf2015-11-12 00:00:00|XRI Specification Document - 100.95 KB|e_xri_spec_va.pdfFirmware
2017-12-27 12:00:01|System Firmware V2.11 - 2.47 MB|dr-22wl_v2.11.zip2017-12-27 12:00:00|Release Notes V2.11 - 44.41 KB|dr-22wl v2.11 release notes.pdf2017-03-14 12:00:01|System Firmware V2.10 - 1.35 MB|dr-22wl_v2.10.zip2017-03-14 12:00:00|Release Notes V2.10 - 43.18 KB|e_dr-22wl_ver210_rn_vk..pdf2016-12-27 14:01:00|System Firmware V2.01 - 1.3 MB|dr-22wl_v2.01.zip2016-12-27 14:00:00|Release Notes V2.01 - 5.06 KB|e_dr-22wl_ver201_rn_vj.txt2016-08-24 21:10:00|System Firmware V1.22 - 2.22 MB|dr-22wl_v1.22.zip2016-08-24 21:00:00|DR-22WL V1.22 Release Notes - 4.08 KB|e_dr-22wl_ver122_rn_vh.txt2015-10-09 00:00:01|Release Notes - 327.34 KB|e_dr-22wl_rn_vg.pdf2015-10-09 00:00:00|System Firmware V1.21 - 1.89 MB|dr-22wl_fw_v121.zip2015-06-23 00:00:00|System Firmware V1.14 - 2.04 MB|dr-22wl_fw_v114.zip2014-12-18 00:00:00|System Firmware V1.13 - 1.95 MB|dr-22wl_fw_v113.zip2014-11-04 00:00:01|System Firmware V1.12 - 1.11 MB|dr-22wl_fw_v112.zipManuals
2017-03-14 12:00:00|TASCAM DR CONTROL Reference Manual - 2.97 MB|e_dr_control_rm_vf.pdf2016-11-16 08:00:00|DR Control App Manual, rev D - 2.7 MB|e_dr_control_rm_vd.pdf2016-11-16 00:00:00|DR-22WL manual addendum for version 2.00 - 1.8 MB|6l_dr-22wl_add-v200_va.pdf2015-12-18 00:00:00|Reference Manual - 1.99 MB|e_dr-22wl_rm_vd.pdf2015-09-09 00:00:00|Owner's Manual Addendum V1.20 - 394.08 KB|dr-22wl_add-v120_va.pdf2014-10-15 00:00:00|Owner's Manual for TASCAM DR FILE TRANSFER - 1.45 MB|e_dr file transfer_om_vb.pdf2014-09-17 00:00:00|Owner's Manual - 4.08 MB|dr-22wl_om_vc_6l.pdfSoftware
2014-10-15 00:00:01|TASCAM DR FILE TRANSFER V1.00 for Windows - 15.47 MB|tascam_dr_file_transfer_win_v100.zip2014-10-15 00:00:00|TASCAM DR FILE TRANSFER V1.00 for Mac - 11.87 MB|tascam_dr_file_transfer_mac_v100.zipDR Control is a free Tascam app for your iOS or Android smartphone that controls the DR-44WL or DR-22WL through WiFi. Control the transport, transfer files to your smartphone, upload recordings to SoundCloud, and stream audio from the recorder with this app.
DR Control allows you to operate the recorder from anywhere in the room, placing the microphones where they sound best while you start recording away from the action. You can start and stop recording or playback, verifying that the meters and time counter are moving. The app also allows you to adjust the input gain, change the stereo mix, enable the low-cut filter or limiter, and virtually any other control on the recorder. When recording has stopped, you can transfer audio files from the recorder to your phone without plugging in any wires. DR-22WL and DR-44WL can record WAV and MP3 audio at the same time, so you can upload the MP3 file while retaining a high-quality WAV recording. DR Control will upload your audio to SoundCloud, a free service that makes it simple to share music online. Simply copy the SoundCloud link and post on Facebook, Twitter, or other social networks.

TASCAM DR CONTROL allows you to remotely control recording levels, filter settings, file organizing and file transfer from DR-22WL/DR-44WL to your smartphone or tablet device. Also you can choose the connection from two different type. DR Control (app for iOS and Android) -TASCAM DR FILE TRANSFER (OS X) v1.00.: 11,8 MB: Owner’s Manual for TASCAM DR FILE TRANSFER.: 1,4 MB: TASCAM DR FILE TRANSFER (Windows) v1.00.: 15,4 MB: Images Date Language Size; Multi-lingual menu. 1687 x 1170 px (=14.3 x 9.9 cm @ 300 dpi): 661 KB. TASCAM DR Control is a free app for your iOS or Android smartphone that controls the DR-44WL or DR-22WL through WiFi. Control the transport, transfer files to your smartphone, upload recordings to SoundCloud, and stream audio from the recorder from anywhere in the room with this app.

* Connecting to WiFi may reduce the DR-22WL/DR-44WL battery life. When not in use, please use 'Deep Sleep mode'.
* Please allow time for data transfer, especially when transferring WAV files.

* If there are dropouts in the WiFi signal, the app display may be affected but the DR-44WL and DR-22WL will continue recording.
Tascam Dr File Transfer App For Mac Os
* You cannot record directly into the Tascam DR CONTROL app. Recording is done with the DR-22WL/DR-44WL recorders.